Friday, 28 December 2012

Monday, 30 July 2012

The adventure concludes

Notice the new handlebar ? Something we never really cared about, but have to admit, it looks good :D

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

SubukRaftar receives 1st prize in EMCOT 2012

Held at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT), Abbottabad from 7-8 May, 2012. Around 70 projects coming from various universities of Pakistan participated in the Hardware and Software categories.

CIIT - ECOT 2012 Official News Page

The eye-catching nature of the project intrigued everyone visiting the exhibition to ask details and many even offered to buy the vehicle including the Chief Guest, Qazi Mohammad Asad, Minister for Higher Education, KPK.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

The battle ends

After countless burnouts, tries and retries, we finally got IR2110 to work..... after that it was a matter of shifting all the circuits to PCBs, making a power distribution board with fuses etc. till someone could stand on it.
Deciding about the placement of circuits

Finally, everything is mounted and ready to go.....

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The MOSFET driver battle

Honestly, it's a hell of a tiring and mind screwing job :@

The trouble with MOSFET drivers is that they never work .... and when they do, you never know why :/
So here goes the standard circuit of IR2110 which works like a charm
Important Technical Note: The Low side supply voltage MUST NOT EXCEED 12V ... all over the internet we found +15V but it blows out the low side IRF1404. There are 12V protection zener diodes between every mosfet's gate and source. The bootstrap capacitors are 47uF electrolytic with 0.1uF ceramic cap in parallel. Bootstrap diodes are 1n4007 because the schottky ones would blow. The PWM frequency is 2.1 kHz approx. that explains the beeping sound when the motors run. Anti-parallel diodes on 22ohm(or 10ohms because we were out of 22 ohms) resistors at all high side gates are schottky.

Even probing the high side output of mosfet driver with repect to ground can "sometimes" damage it. It is better to see its waveform referenced to that MOSFET's source terminal.

Special Thanks to the segfault guy and application notes that helped us a lot. :)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

It's alive !!!!!

Adding the integral and derivative controls, some gain adjustments through hit and trial and here we go......

Quite jerky, but it's an achievement ! Weeeeeeeeeee :D ok, back to work now !

Friday, 20 January 2012

This is what we're talking about....infact, something like this

The opamp shortcut proved to be worth it (will put schematics later) ! The motor controller gave a smooth control response. Charged with excitement, we connected both motors to the same hbridge. Adjusted the gains for pure proportional control, the motors moved in the tilted direction.

Temporary mounting for the IMU

Sticking it all together with electric tape :D

Adding a little counterweight..... otherwise it would keep leaning and hence moving towards one side
Couldnt find anything except pliers, so here it goes
This is balanced without power. Let's plug in the power and do some gain fine tuning with our trusty USBTiny.